Saturday Dharma Service In-Person

Dear dharma friends,

Thank you for being patient for a long time.
We are grateful to re-open the Saturday Dharma Service in-person at 10:00AM from December 4th, 2021.

The program will include chanting as well as guided and silent meditation and will last 1 hour. While we are practicing in-person, please wear masks and observe noble silence indoors. After the program, you are welcome to step outside and socialize with big smiles and conversation.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Palms together,

Prepare your space for meditation and prayer

Prepare your space for meditation and prayer, choose a calming and quiet space in your home where you won’t be distracted. Here are some ideas for your meditation space:

  • Put a do not disturb sign on the door of your room while practicing. Here is one you can print.

  • Adjust the lighting to promote tranquility, perhaps dim the lights or light a candle. Make sure the brightness setting on your computer monitor is comfortable. 

  • Set up your meditation cushion or chair in a space other than you would use your computer normally.

  • Create an altar in your home for your daily prayer and mediation. Be creative, perhaps you already have a small altar with a candle, incense, and Il Won Sang - if not, look around your home or garden. What can you find that connects you to your spirituality? A photo of your family or friends to connect you to love, a leaf or acorn to ground you in nature, offering a dish of rice to represent your desire to help those in need. 

Online Dharma Study Groups via Zoom

   As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, I anticipate the period of social distancing may be much longer than 2 weeks. The Temple will remain closed until it becomes clear that it is safe to reopen.

 Therefore, we are going to begin two study groups, on Wednesday and Friday using an online meeting via ZOOM.
Here is the scheduled for the group study

1.       Friday Scripture Study Group Meeting : Today March 20th.
   7pm -9pm. (Every other week)

    Material : The Scripture of Won Buddhism; Chapter 7, Verse 3. The Founding Master Siad, “’Utmost good’ is that realm where wholesome and unwholesome are transcended; ‘Ultimate Bliss’ is that place where suffering and happiness are transcended.”
Meeting URL:
2.        Wednesday Mind-Study Group Meeting : March 25th, 7pm-9pm. (Every week)
    Material : The Functioning of a Buddha’s Mind” by Prime Dharma Master Kyongsan
     (*   I can scan the weekly study text and send you via email - please reply to this email to let me know if you need that. )
Meeting URL:
You can just click the above website link.

Here is a link to help you to learn how to use Zoom online meeting.
We hope you are doing well,
Palms together,
The Ministers

Temple Closing Information

Dear Dharma Friends,

  Starting today our temple is closing for the next 2 weeks due to the spread of Coronavirus in our community. Gov. Tom Wolf announced extraordinary measures across Montgomery County yesterday, including closing all schools, gyms, gatherings and non-essential retail. We hope these extreme actions will slow the spread of the virus and save many lives in our area. After 2 weeks we will evaluate the situation and send a further update.

  The spread of the pandemic across the globe and in our local community is scary for us all, but we will get through this together, both as a sangha and as a society.
 Our practice and teachings will guide us in peace, love, and compassion. 

   We hope you will continue your practice of meditation, prayer, and dharma study; now more than ever we need calm minds and loving hearts.
  Be a bodhisattva in your neighborhood, find out what you can do to protect the elderly, the weak and the suffering. Know that by just staying home in peaceful meditation, you are protecting them. 

  The temple wants to continue to support your practice and connect our sangha members, we are looking into solutions to practice together online and over the phone and any ideas you have are very welcome. We will provide regular updates via this newsletter, our website, and Facebook page.

   We will also be giving the temple building a very deep cleaning and will disinfect all surfaces and materials.

 Be at peace,
 The Ministers

  "We are waves from the same sea, leaves from the same tree, flowers from the same garden"  Seneca