Head Minister - Rev. Inso Kim, PhD

Rev. Inso Kim  is a senior Minister of Won Buddhism and holds a PhD in Won Buddhist Philosophy. She had been serving with Won Buddhism as a minister and teacher since her ordination in 1982, in both Korea and America.

Rev. Kim has taught ethics and mind study with young people from middle school to University level. Rev. Kim is a head minister of Won Buddhism.
She had been serving with Won Buddhism as a minister since 1982 and has been working as a minister of at the Won Buddhism temple of Philadelphia since Jan. 1, 2013.
She teaches the Won Buddhist philosophy of spiritual stability and freedom of mind from the mind study and practice in our life.

Rev. Kim currently serves as the Head Minister at the Won Buddhism temple of Philadelphia since January 2013 where she teaches the Won Buddhist philosophy of spiritual stability and freedom of mind through mind study and practice in our life. Her interests include Esperanto, Tai Chi & walking meditation.

Rev. Myungjung Lee


Rev. Myungjung Lee started her monastic training in 2007. She graduated from the Dept. of Won Buddhism, Youngsan University, Korea and earned an M.A. of Won Buddhist Studies from the Won Institute of Graduate Studies, PA.

She received full ordination in 2011 and served as a minister at the Won Dharma Center, Won Buddhism Headquarters of USA from 2012 until 2019. She is currently working as a dharma teacher at the Won Buddhism of Philadelphia Temple in Glenside, Pennsylvania.  

Rev. Lee believes the world is in a dark place because there is little clarity in people’s minds. She believes the practice of Buddhadharma and Won Buddhist teachings can brighten people’s minds and hearts. It is this strong faith that guides Rev. Lee's life and practice. For her, the greatest human discovery was the Buddha’s realization of the true nature of the mind. With great sincerity and dedication, she strives to heal the world by opening the hearts and minds of all those she touches.

Rev. Doil Lee

Rev. Doil Lee is a minister of Won Buddhism and meditation teacher. He has taught at Won Kwang Cultural Center in Australia,  Won Dharma Center in upstate New York and is now assigned to the Temple in Glenside. He practices and teaches Living & Moving meditation through Qigong, Taoyin exercise, Tai Chi, and sitting, and walking meditation from the perspective of spiritual practice in daily life.

Rev. Lee graduated from WonKwang University, Iksan, Korea, majoring in Won Buddhism and earned his M.A. in Won Buddhist Studies at the Won Institute of Graduate Studies, Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA. He received full ordination in December, 2014.

As a spiritual practitioner, he loves to apply the core teachings of meditation in daily life through harmonizing body and mind, integrating interior nature and exterior nature. He loves art, and believes that our life is a masterpiece of art in every moment and place.  He is always saying he is a beginner of dharma so he loves to learn and teach, on his own as well as with others and from nature, in a natural way with a smile and an open mind. 


Dr. Joseph DiVincenzo

Dr. Joseph DiVincenzo, M.D. has been a practicing psychiatrist in both addiction medicine and general adult psychiatry in the Philadelphia area for the past 20 years.  He is a former Medical Director and past president of the medical staff at Friends Hospital, and former Medical Director for Mirmont Treatment Center for substance abuse.  He has maintained an active outpatient practice in general psychiatry for the past 15 years. 

Prior to his beginning practice of Buddhism in 1988, he trained and received formal initiation in the disciplines of both kriya yoga and sufism.  Subsequent to formally receiving the lay buddhist precepts in 1997,  he has practiced and received the bodhisattva precepts,  and continues to formally train within Zen Buddhism. 

He is the father of 5 children and continues to enjoy the on-going adventure of parenting.

Dr. John Gilmore Won Il Jin

During his ministry at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Manchester, Dr. John (Om Prakash) Gilmore decided that he needed to learn more about spirituality. As a result of this need he entered a doctoral program at University of Creation Spirituality (UCS), a school founded by PhD., Rev. Matthew Fox, in Oakland CA.  At UCS he studied many religious traditions at the mystical level, learning the core teachings given by the original teachers before they were influenced by the cultures in which they were located. 

Dr. Gilmore’s dissertation focused on finding the roots of external and internal oppression, and how to remove their lasting, negative effects through various alternative methods such as meditation, Tai-Chi, Yoga, Massage, Reiki, Spiritual Direction, and the many other methods that would diminish the fruit of oppression. In 2001 he received his D. Min. in Reinventing Work and Spirituality.  

During a sabbatical in Costa Rica, Om Prakash wrote several books, led workshops, and taught Tai-Chi, Qigong and Meditation. In 2008 he completed a year of study at Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica as a visiting faculty member teaching Tai-Chi Chi-Kung and Pranic healing, and as a student in Clinical Atmanology and Personal Transformation. Upon returning to the  U.S.,  he began to attend services at Won Buddhist Temple where he received the Dharma name Won Il Jin, with Il Jin meaning one truth.