Won Community Service Center

…if the world respects those who dedicate themselves to the public welfare, there will be many who will dedicate themselves to the welfare of the world. if a nation respects those who dedicate themselves to the public welfare, then there will be many who dedicate themselves to the welfare of the nation. if a society or a religious order respects those who dedicate themselves to the welfare of the society or the religious order, there will be many who dedicate themselves to the welfare of the society or the religious order. the public must therefore respect those who, in accordance with the degree of their meritorious deeds, contribute in various ways to the world, nation, society, or religious order, just as children respect their parents, and one must work for the public welfare oneself, following the virtue of those who dedicate themselves to the welfare of the public.”  -scripture of won buddhism: commemorating commission for sacred achievements of the great master of won buddhism (page 26)

In 1997, Won Community Service Center (WCSC) became established as a not-for-profit community service center with  501(c)3 status and a  mission to nurture and empower people who are impoverished. WCSC provides for low-income, low-English proficient, and/or immigrant individuals and/or minorities in the areas of education, counseling, and social work – partnering with community and schools. Volunteers  (professional, student, youth, community members, all with official clearances and accepted with non-discrimination)  work with Won Community Service Center  to help others with human services and counseling. Won Community Service Center’s services include but are not exclusive of:  English as a Second Language instruction, adult basic literacy education, grade school and adult tutoring in all subject areas and GED/HiSET prep, legal counseling, medical service counseling and health care/insurance obtainment, senior citizens’ benefits and services, cultural events, workforce development, veterans’ services, mental health counseling, translation services, high school senior scholarship program, community service events, and more!

WCSC was founded by immigrants with enduring courage in establishing, not only for themselves but for others also, the righteousness inherent in the lifelong values of physical security, personal responsibility, education, intergenerational morality and principles, relational organization within society, and the fulfillment of the expression of humanity. Daily is the gateway opened for those served and serving to realize the path to progression, wisdom, fortune – through sincere lovingkindness and compassion based on [the] capacity of disciples (such as Venerable Chwasan) within the Won community and beyond.


1) Educational Programs

    - Adult/Children ESL Class

    - Counseling assistance when parents visit the school

    - Assistance with preparing documents related to national financial aid for tuition fees

2) Free legal counseling services

    - Preparation of documents for immigrants' green cards and citizenship

    - Legal issue consultations

3) Promotion of Korean culture and community service activities

    - Children's traditional folk festival

    - Martin Luther King Day street cleaning

4) Social welfare counseling for low-income families

    - General counseling related to family matters.

    - Assistance with hospital appointments and counseling.

    - Assisted in obtaining coverage or free medical services/discounts in bills.

    - Korean language interpreter assistant.